Enhancing Capacity for CHWs in Rural and Primary Healthcare
CCHA has partnered with the SC Center for Rural and Primary Healthcare and the Upper Midlands Rural Health Network (UMRHN) to build the capacity of rural health clinics and primary care settings to develop and/or enhance the CHW model to improve chronic disease, care coordination, clinical-community linkages and social determinants of health. Through this project, the Center for Community Health Alignment is developing best practice implementation toolkits for rural health clinics and primary care settings, designing targeted training modules for CHWs working in rural and primary healthcare, and providing technical assistance to clinics throughout the state. This partnership will also support the exploration of investment in sustainable payment models to support the reimbursement of CHW services ongoing.

Our Approach
A Community Health Worker (CHW) serves as a bridge between the provider and the patient. CHWs can identify with the overall lifestyle struggles the patient may be facing. They can work with patients to develop a plan of action, utilize techniques such as motivational interviewing to support patients in achieving their health goals, and conduct follow up when needed.