CHW Core Competency Training Frequently Asked Questions

Experienced CHWs and CHW allies facilitating learning to grow our professional workforce

Why train with the Center for Community Health Alignment?

CCHA’s trainings are developed and led by experienced CHWs. We use popular education techniques and participatory learning to build on the individual experiences of our trainees. This learning style ensures a more engaging learning environment for learners to not only learn from their facilitators, but also from their fellow trainees.

What are the benefits of the CCHA Core Competency Training ?

Not only does the training serve as an experiential learning opportunity that provides participants with the firm foundational knowledge necessary to begin work as a Community Health Worker, but the training also is a gateway to certification eligibility.  After all phases of training have been completed, training participants will be prepared and eligible to sit for the South Carolina Community Health Worker Exam (administered by the South Carolina Community Health Worker Association).

What is the training curriculum based on?

The training content is based on the South Carolina Core Competencies and directly reflects the list of CHW Core Competencies that are recognized nationally Per the South Carolina Core Competencies, skills within the following eleven domains are emphasized throughout the training:

1. Communication Skills

2. Interpersonal and Relationship Building Skills

3. Service Coordination and Navigation Skills

4. Capacity Building Skills

5. Advocacy Skills

6. Education and Facilitation Skills

7. Individual and Community Assessment Skills

8. Outreach Skills

9.Professional Skills and Conduct

10. Evaluation and Research Skills

11. Knowledge Base

How is the training curriculum delivered?
  • ~25 facilitated learning sessions
    • If training is facilitated virtually, learning sessions are typically held Monday – Friday from 9 am – 12 pm (EST)
    • If training is facilitated in-person, learning sessions are typically held Monday – Friday from 9 am – 4 pm (EST) with a 1-hour break for lunch.
  • 3 week break for practicum completion – mentored in the field experience.
    • Completion of 4 individual assignments.
    • Completion of 12 hours of shadowing.
    • Completion of 24 hours of observation.
  • Community Presentations & CHW Exam Review – virtually or in-person.
    • 2 – 5 minute individual assignment presentation followed by an exam review.
    • Virtual: 9  am – 12 pm (EST)
    • In-person: 9 am – 4 pm (EST)
  • CHW Certification Exam administered by SCCHWA.
How do I register for training? Is there a cost associated?

Please have each applicant complete the following form. Registration closes 1 month prior to the start of training.

The standard cost for training is $1,850.00 for CHWs employed by agencies making more than 200k annually. There is a discounted price of $1,050.00 for CHWs employed by non-profit organizations making less than 200k annually. For independent, or self-pay, CHWs, there is a discounted price of $450.00.


What is a CCHA Core Competency Training Preceptor?

CCHA Preceptors will serve as supervisors and mentors during the practicum phase of the CCHA training curriculum for designated individuals seeking their community health worker certification. Read more. If you are interested in being a preceptor,  please contact Carmen Blanco or Mychelle Harris at .

How are preceptors assigned to participants?

If program participants do not have someone within their organization who can serve as a preceptor, the training coordinator will assist in preceptor to participant matching. Preceptors are assigned to participants  based upon proximity in location (preferably within the same organization). All preceptors are trained and selected by Center for Community Health Alignment. Preceptor applications are accepted on a rolling basis and all applicants who qualify to be preceptors will be updated on upcoming preceptor trainings.

Who is the ideal point of contact for the CCHA Core Competency Training?

Please email