Join the CHW-SW Coalition Listserv


Sign up for the CHW-SW Coalition Listserv to learn about group updates, upcoming events, training opportunities, and other important information. You may self-subscribe by following the instructions under the Subscribe heading or fill out the form below to have someone add you to the listserv. Self-subscribe for the fasted results. 


  • Send an e-mail to:

  • No subject

  • In body of the email type the following:
    Subscribe CHW-SW-WORKGROUP {Subscribers name}
    (for example: SUBSCRIBE CHW-SW-WORKGROUP John Doe)

  • Send the message without a signature

If the subscription is successfully sent, you will receive a message from the Listserv system informing you of your acceptance. If you have not been successful and need assistance please reach out to Rich at


To cancel your subscription to the listserv, you can send an email message to the server hosting the specific list, for example,, and in the body of the message include the command: SIGNOFF CHW-SW-WORKGROUP.  You must send this command from the account you subscribed from (otherwise it won’t recognize you as a member and won’t delete your subscription).

Join the CHW-SW Coalition Listserv